"dc-publisher","Icon","Collection","dc-date","Type","dc-subject","Id","dc-title","UserLevel","Name","dc-creator","dc-description","Chronology","Redirect" "","Corinth:Image:bw 1964 051 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1964_051/1964_st_051_017.jpg::1800::1203","Corinth","1963/05/15","Object","Minor Finds","Corinth:Object:MF 11135","BRONZE EAR SPOON","","MF 11135","","Bronze ear spoon with long, thin shaft, circular in section, tapering to a sharp point at one end. At other end, shaft widens and flattens before small concave bowl projecting straight out from shaft.","Early Roman context","" "","Corinth:Image:bw 1962 095 15::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1962_095/1962_st_095_015.jpg::1800::1186","Corinth","1962/03/06","Object","Sculpture | Stone Sculpture","Corinth:Object:S 2682","MARBLE HEAD OF ATHENA","","S 2682","","Marble sculpture with neck and chest cut on an oval plan, under surface convex and rough-picked; presumably designed for insertion into body of wood (tenon common on heads intended for insertion into marble torso not present here). Nose originally separate piece. Large cavity (0.11 x 0.135 x 0.17) cut into top of cranium; cutting cavity (or fitting attachment) fractured marble and rear right side of cranium broke away in single piece; line of breakage quite irregular (not smoothly cut as surfaces where nose attached). Broken piece held in place with at least three iron clamps, anchored with lead into dowel holes. On left side of neck, forward lock of hair (L. 0.11) broken and replaced with subsitute piece, very crudely carved and carelessly fitted, with one iron clamp at top to hold it in place. On right side of neck, rear lock of hair (L. 0.11) broken and replaced by substitute piece, similarly cut and fitted, with iron clamp at top and another at bottom. Surface of neck on both sides just behind locks not smoothly finished and shows traces of work with rasp. At rear, nape of neck covered by rough-picked surface which projects out 0.015 from general surface of neck. Eyeballs separate pieces of marble, set in white plaster into hollow sockets; pupils were of other material, set into cavities in eyeballs. Bronze eyelashes anchored in place by eyeballs; eyelashes made of strips of bronze (L. ca. 0.06, W. ca. 0.008); outer portion of each strip (0.008) cut, saw-like, into series of contiguous ""teeth"" or lashes (each W. ca. 0.001); back half or spine of each strip firmly set in eye socket (not visible now). Eyelashes similar to MF-2013-12.; ; Female head (or Apollo?), with locks of hair over forehead dividing to left and right of central part and extending almost horizontally to sides, forming very low inverted ""V"" at center. Behind ear on either side, two long locks of hair fall down onto the neck and shoulders. Head precisely frontal on neck; but at left side forward lock of hair lies closer to center of neck than corresponding lock on other side and oval base of neck extends less far out on left side than at right, possibly due to left arm raised at shoulder (holding spear or specter?). Each ear lobe pierced for hanging earrings. Gilding on hair on right side of head (Vinyl solutionapplied in this area to make gilding adhere firmly). Top of head roughly finished and locks of hair just over forehead cut back to provide ledge for supporting attachment- crown, taenia, helmet(?). Possibly marble foot S-2681 belongs [Handwritten note: Foot is too small]; marble hand and wrist S-2745 probably belongs.","",""