"Redirect","dc-description","dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Id","dc-title","Icon","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-subject","Name","dc-date","Chronology" "","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Hollow ankle ending in narrow slot in sole. Flat but unevenly finished sole. Ankle bones exaggerated and incorrectly modelled. Incision for joints of toes and nails as well as modelling.","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 1","VOTIVE FOOT","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 28::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_028.jpg::1800::1184","","","Votive | Votive","V 1","1931/05/04","" "","","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 2","VOTIVE FOOT","","","","Votive | Votive","V 2","1931/05/04","" "","","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 3","VOTIVE RIGHT HAND","Corinth:Image:bw 1985 091 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1985_091/1985_st_091_007.jpg::1800::1178","","","Votive | Votive","V 3","1931/05/04","" "","Solid, mouldmade finger. Heavy and stubby in shape, slighly bent at second knuckle, roughly modelled anatomy. Three grooves for second knuckle, nail outline incised groove.","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 6","VOTIVE FINGER","","","","Votive | Votive","V 6","1931/05/04","" "","","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 7","VOTIVE","","","","Votive | Votive","V 7","1931/05/04","" "","Solid, mouldmade right thumb and portion of attached hand; nail modelled with incised line.","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 8","VOTIVE RIGHT THUMB","","","","Votive | Votive","V 8","1931/05/04","" "","Large hand with elongated palm, flexed thumb, little modelling. Fingers seperated. Hollow with thick walls. Similar to V-275.","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 9","VOTIVE LARGE RIGHT HAND","","","","Votive | Votive","V 9","1931/05/04; 1931/05/06","" "","Over life-size votive left foot. Foot realistically modelled with long toes, carefully seperated one from the other; second toe longest, little toe curls in against fourth toe. Nails square at base, rounded at tips, carefully trimmed. Top of foot well-finished but sole flattened and only roughly finished; undersides of toes also not fully finished; cut marks visible on sides of toes. Foot hollow to shortly before base of toes; upper part of foot seems to be a large piece of clay, overlapping wads visible on bottom. Perhaps upper half made in a mould, and lower half made by hand?","","Object","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 10","VOTIVE OVERSIZE LEFT FOOT","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 003 34::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2003_003/2003_st_003_034.jpg::1194::1800","","","Votive | Votive","V 10","1931/05/06",""