"Type","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Collection","Name","Id","dc-title","dc-creator","Icon","dc-description","dc-date","Redirect","dc-subject","Chronology" "Object","","","Corinth","S 451","Corinth:Object:S 451","ROMAN HANDS","","Corinth:Image:digital 2013 1018::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2013 season photos/2013_1018.jpg::1200::1800","Head, less than life size, hair is confined by band, outside of which it ends in a series of rich locks; in the back a flat mass apparently fell on the shoulder. Coarse work. S-2010-2 preserves part of the right eye, nose, left eye and most of the mouth, plus most of the brow, hair and the left ear. Some locks over the central forehead are missing. The head is identified by A. Ajootian as a small-scale version of the Praxitelean Resting Satyr type. It may belong with S-918, a torso of the same sculptural type.","1903/04/28; 2010/05/05","","Sculpture | Stone Sculpture",""