"dc-date","Redirect","Name","Id","Collection","Chronology","UserLevel","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-description","Type","Icon","dc-subject","dc-publisher" "1927/05/16","","L 1137","Corinth:Object:L 1137","Corinth","Early 4th q. 4th c. B.C. (GRE context)","","SMALL TO MINIATURE TYPE IV LAMP","","Small lamp with flat base, deep globular body curving in to oblique lip. Scoop-shaped nozzle, tapering toward irregularly rounded tip, large wick hole. Horizontal handle, round in section, tilted.","Object","Corinth:Image:bw 2000 033 13::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2000_033/2000_st_033_013.jpg::1800::1191","Lamps","" "1964/03/20","","S 2727","Corinth:Object:S 2727","Corinth","2nd quarter 5th c. B.C.","","SEVERE STYLE KOUROS HEAD","","Youthful male head, c. 1/2 life-size; hair brushed forward from top back of head in radiating thin long strands, round in section, with horizontal ""underlying"" rings, ending over forhead in a single roll of snail-curls, curling toward center on both sides of face; in back hair braided, beginning behind ears, presum. crossed in back, with ends brought above ears to tie with fillet over top of head. Face oval with broad flat forehead, angular in horizontal section; sharp brow ridge. Shallow-set large eyes with arched upper lid, straight lower lid, pronounced tear duct; full cheeks with faint hollow framing nostrils, and tapering to strong chin. Nostrils poss. not drilled; small mouth, filtrum rendered, upper lip dips in center. Ears well modeled, tilted slightly back, drill hole separating tragus and antitragus; short columnar neck with throat rendered, flattened in back, start of shoulders. skin carefully smoothed.","Object","Corinth:Image:bw 1964 004 20::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1964_004/1964_sh_004_020.jpg::1449::1800","Sculpture | Stone Sculpture","" "1933","","MF 3526","Corinth:Object:MF 3526","Corinth","150-early 3rd c. A.C. Context: 1st half 3rd c. ?","","ROMAN GLASS BOWL WITH WHEEL-CUT DECORATION","","Hemispherical bowl with round bottom, globular body, concave vertical rim, round lip. See Le Verre d'epoque romaine, ch. 49, N205-6 (2nd half 2nd-beginning 3rd c.). According to Corinth XII, found with MF-3527 (glass bottle)and type XXVII lamp. In lamp FIB 3 lamps marked brought in by S. Marini: L-1968, L-1969: XXVII vine-and-ray; L-1970:frgt. of XXVIII. This would suggest context possibly 1st half 3rd c.","Object","Corinth:Image:bw 3985::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/3000-3999/3985_gp.jpg::1800::1348","Minor Finds",""