"dc-description","dc-title","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Name","Chronology","Collection","dc-date","Type","Id","UserLevel","Icon","dc-creator","Redirect" "Open vessel with vertical body profile, probably krater.","CORINTHIAN RED-FIGURE KRATER","Pottery","","C 1985 46","Late 5th to 4th c. B.C.","Corinth","1985/05/07","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1985 46","","Corinth:Image:bw 1985 051 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1985_051/1985_st_051_016.jpg::1800::1198","","" "Pitcher with rounded biconcial body curving to narrow neck, and everted horizontal rim with a ridge on the inner edge. Grooved strap handle attached above mid-point of neck and to shoulder. Groove marks level of upper handle attachment. Type is related to the Corinthian narrow-neck pitcher in cooking fabric.","IMPORTED SEMIGLAZED PITCHER","Pottery","","C 1985 217","Flavian or Trajanic","Corinth","1985/05/07; 1985/05/17; 1984/06/11","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1985 217","","Corinth:Image:bw 1997 032 06::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1997_032/1997_st_032_006.jpg::1183::1800","","" "Amphora with angular carination to slightly concave shoulder, short cylindrical neck and rolled rim. Double-rolled handle, both parts circular in section, attached below rim at an oblique angle and to lower part of shoulder. The body appears to have been roughly hacked away below the shoulder.","COAN AMPHORA WITH GRAFFITO ON SHOULDER, TOP","Pottery","","C 1985 218a","Middle or second half 2nd century AC context","Corinth","1985/05/22; 1985/05/22","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1985 218a","","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 005 13::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_005/1998_st_005_013.jpg::1203::1800","","" "Very broadly everted rim of a cylindrical amphora with narrow neck curving out to rim. Upper surface of rim nearly horizontal. Underside of rim thickened in a wave-shaped bulge. Outer edge of lip marked with a strong groove. Riley, Benghazi II, Hell Amphora 12, type early 2nd c. BC - Augustan.","PUNIC AMPHORA RIM, BENGHAZI HELL AMPHORA 12","Pottery","","C 1986 170","Context first half 1st AC","Corinth","1986/05/29","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1986 170","","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 001 26::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_001/1998_st_001_026.jpg::1800::1202","","" "Shoulder curves into tapering neck with bulbous wall and sharply triangular rim. Offset band just below rim. Edge of upper handle attachment preserved near base of neck.","RIM AND NECK OF UNUSUAL MICACEOUS WATER JAR","Pottery","","C 1986 171","End of 1st or beginning of 2nd AC","Corinth","1986/06/04; 1986/05/22; 1986/05/22","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1986 171","","Corinth:Image:bw 1998 002 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1998_002/1998_st_002_007.jpg::1211::1800","","" "Small amphora with cylindrical body, angular carination to narrow concave shoulder continuing up as slightly flaring neck, outward thickened rim slightly undercut. Two vertical handles, oval in section, attached a little below rim and to carination between shoulder and body. Surface of neck still shows turning marks.","SMALL BUFF ROMAN AMPHORA, RIM AND HANDLE","Pottery","","C 1986 173a","Flavian or Trajanic","Corinth","1986/05/21; 1986/06/04; 1986/05/21","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1986 173a","","Corinth:Image:digital 2013 0218::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2013 season photos/2013_0218.jpg::1285::1800","","" "Small table amphora with ring foot and ovoid body. Handle, round in section, attached to mid-shoulder. Smooth finishing marks on lower body.","TABLE AMPHORA WITH EVERTED RIM, BASE","Pottery","","C 1986 174a","Late first and early second century AC","Corinth","1986/06/04; 1986/06/04; 1985/05/09","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1986 174a","","Corinth:Image:bw 1997 032 08::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1997_032/1997_st_032_008.jpg::1187::1800","","" "Amphora (with ovoid body) with steeply sloping shoulder curving to short neck and outward thickened rim. Profile sagging. Neck slightly bulbous at level of upper handle attachment. 2 grooved, vertical handles, oval in section, attached above mid-neck and to shoulder. (Nonj. rim in lot has triangular outer face.)","LOCAL COOKING FABRIC TABLE AMPHORA, NECK AND HANDLE","Pottery","","C 1986 175a","Late 1st-early 2nd AC","Corinth","1986/05/16; 1986/05/19; 1985/04/22; 1985/05/13","Object","Corinth:Object:C 1986 175a","","Corinth:Image:bw 1997 032 36::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1997_032/1997_st_032_036.jpg::1800::1203","",""