"Chronology","dc-subject","dc-date","Id","dc-title","dc-description","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Icon","Collection","Name","Redirect","Type","UserLevel" "","Pottery","","Corinth:Object:C 1927 34","COARSE ONE-HANDLED POT","","","","Corinth:Image:bw 1974 074 09::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1974_074/1974_st_074_009.jpg::1800::1207","Corinth","C 1927 34","","Object","" "","Pottery","","Corinth:Object:C 1927 35","COARSE WARE","","","","Corinth:Image:bw 1974 071 11::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1974_071/1974_st_071_011.jpg::1195::1800","Corinth","C 1927 35","","Object","" "2nd half of the 2nd c. A.C according to Hesperia 1993, p 483-505","Pottery","1927/06/02","Corinth:Object:C 1927 37","KNIDIAN RELIEF WARE PHALLIC VESSEL","Relief vessel with grotesque head and torso at top and winged phallus below. Head showing details of hair, grape ? wreath and dangling earrings, tilted to right and with grimacing expression. Shoulders covered by mantle; left arm bent at elbow and hand with fingers spread clutches throat; right arm straighter, forearm missing. Possibly stomach with bellybutton and diagonal lines below where amantle wrapped across body. Wings outspread at sides below elbows and large phallus below. Extra detail with incision, round and curved punches, added to hair, wreath, facial features, wings, drapery ? across stomach and edge of foreskin. Vessel made in two-part plaster mould, all relief in front, back with low ridge and incised signature. Parts joined wet and joint pared on exterior. Mouth of vessel oval from front to back. Separately made ring handle (with three grooves) attached on left side at level of temple. Inscription in Greek along ridge on the back.","","","Corinth:Image:bw 1983 050 02::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1983_050/1983_st_050_002.jpg::1197::1800","Corinth","C 1927 37","","Object","" "","Pottery","","Corinth:Object:C 1927 39","SMALL CUP","","","","Corinth:Image:bw 1974 071 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1974_071/1974_st_071_007.jpg::1201::1800","Corinth","C 1927 39","","Object","" "","Pottery","","Corinth:Object:C 1927 40","SHALLOW BOWL","","","","","Corinth","C 1927 40","","Object","" "","Minor Finds","","Corinth:Object:MF 355","TERRACOTTA","Fragment.","","","","Corinth","MF 355","","Object",""