"dc-title","Id","Chronology","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-creator","dc-subject","Type","dc-description","Name","Icon","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-date" "","Corinth:Basket:NB456 P130","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, North | Gymnasium | Fountain of the Lamps | Gymnasium Fountain of Lamps","Basket","456","NB456 P130","","","Corinth","1969/07/31" "","Corinth:Monument:Gymnasium Fountain of Lamps","","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, North | Gymnasium | Fountain of the Lamps | Gymnasium Fountain of Lamps","Monument","To the west of the Gymnasium a bath-and-fountain complex was built in a natural valley artificially enlarged in antiquity. In its earliest phase the supply of spring water was enhanced by tunneling horizontally into the plateau to trap other ground water to supply a Classical bath house. ; In the Roman period the area was reshaped to create a court resembling the Peirene fountain. The rectangular walled space, oriented northeast to southwest, has a broad apse on its northeast side. The enclosed area contains a large pool with a central plinth and steps down into it at two of the corners. On the southeast side are a series of chambers with watery associations. Several inscriptions were found which commemorate athletic the events of Corinth and the Isthmia during the reigns of Tiberius and Nero. The main chamber of the bath contained the thousands of terracotta lamps dating to the 5th and 6th century which gave the fountain its modern name.","Gymnasium Fountain of Lamps","Corinth:Image:digital 2019 1658::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2019 season photos/2019_1658.jpg::2000::1428","","Corinth",""