"Type","Icon","dc-description","Id","dc-date","Collection","Redirect","Chronology","dc-title","Name","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator" "Object","Corinth:Image:bw 1999 018 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1999_018/1999_st_018_017.jpg::1800::1236","Tympanum block, deriving from center of tympanum, preserving lt. side . Lt. Joint has band c. 00.05 m. wide cut back with fine point from remaining, rough-picked surface; top dressed with point, back with coarse point. Rectangular cutting in top, set back 00.25 from front face, to back edge, L. 0.352 m, W. 0.25, Depth 0.175. Front face of block finely worked with a round projecting surface in center with roughluy picked face, surrounded by at least 5 small rectangular dowel holes, for a medallion originally attached; D. 0.45 - rough-picked surface, H. from bottom to top dowel 0.645.","Corinth:Object:I 2144","1938/05","Corinth","","Augustan, early","INSCRIBED TYMPANUM BLOCK FROM TEMPLE F: LATIN","I 2144","Venus","","","" "Object","Corinth:Image:bw 1999 018 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1999_018/1999_st_018_012.jpg::1800::1211","Architrave-frieze block: 2 fasciae on architrave, moulding: fillet, quarter round, cavetto, fascia; frieze flat, set in 00.065, crowned by fillet, cyma reversa and taenia. Top: central lewis hole 0.10 x 0.11 set 00.93 fr. rt. edge; two groups of pry holes, two dowel holes without pour channels, 2 clamp cuttings at each end - 3 of which regular hook clamps; bottom: dowel cuttings for capitals; lt. end: cut back from back to front, diagonally some 0.45 m., then straight to left edge.","Corinth:Object:I 2145","1938/04","Corinth","","180's AC","INSCRIBED ENTABLATURE: LATIN","I 2145","Inscription","","","" "Object","Corinth:Image:bw 1999 018 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1999_018/1999_st_018_012.jpg::1800::1211","Architrave-frieze block with 2 fasciae on architrave, moulding: fillet, quarter round, cavetto with fascia; frieze flat, crowned by fillet, cyma reversa and taenia. Top: central lewis hole 0.10 x 0.11","Corinth:Object:I 2146","1938/04","Corinth","","AD 184/5-192","INSCRIBED ENTABLATURE: LATIN","I 2146","Inscription","","","" "Object","Corinth:Image:bw 1985 161 03::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1985_161/1985_st_161_003.jpg::1800::1182","Long rectangular base, front face worked smoothly; fine slaw on rt. Side and back, coarse claw on lt. Side; back lt. Corner cut away, rusticated with coarse punch (unless broken with punch). On top surface large rectangular cutting, floor of which left slightly rough with point; claw chisel on rest of top surface.","Corinth:Object:I 438","","Corinth","","Early 1st c., Tiberian ?","ROMAN INSCRIBED STATUE BASE: LATIN","I 438","Inscription","","","" "Object","Corinth:Image:bw 1999 018 31::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1999_018/1999_st_018_031.jpg::1800::1210","Architrave block from eastern schola of Bema: 3-stepped fasciae: H00.07, H00.091 H00.103; crowning moulding H00.08: fillet, cyma reversa, fascia. Top beveled, rough. Anathyrosis on end; face finely finished.","Corinth:Object:I 1755","1936/05/04","Corinth","","Augustan ?","ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE BLOCK: LATIN","I 1755","Inscription","","","" "Object","Corinth:Image:bw 0000aa::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/0001-0999/000A_sh.jpg::1800::1370","Large base with slight, circular horizontal section as preserved. Decorated in relief with 2 maenads. Lt. figure whirls to lt., body twisted with upper torso turned slightly to rt. lt. arm down, rt. probably out to side, head probably turned to proper rt., r. leg strides forward, while l. (not visible) is meant to cross behind and recede into background; wears thin-sleeved chiton, slightly thicker Doric chiton w/ overfold and kolpis, clasped on shoulder; faun skin belted just below breasts, hoof visible on background to r. Rt. figure turned to rt., legs in profile to r, hips frontal, upper body probably frontal; weight on l. leg, r. foot set back, touching ground only w/ toes;r. arm raised to proper r, holding Roman-type fillet;wears thin chiton, overgarment slipping around hips; short boot with relief palmette decoration; billowing drapery at feet indicates rapid motion. Rasp marks visible on surface of background and figures. Rectangular dowel hole on top of block 0.03 x 0.07 x 0.08 m. deep).","Corinth:Object:S 193","1900/05/11","Corinth","","Neo Attic","BASE: DANCING MAENADS","S 193","Maenads","","",""