"Redirect","dc-publisher","Icon","Collection","dc-description","dc-title","Chronology","Type","Id","dc-subject","dc-creator","Name","UserLevel","dc-date" "","","","Corinth","red clay","LARGE BASIN","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 519","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 519","","" "","","","Corinth","buff clay","LARGE BASIN","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 520","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 520","","" "","","","Corinth","buff clay","SMALL BASIN","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 521","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 521","","" "","","Corinth:Image:bw 2002 050 31a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2002_050/2002_st_050_031A.jpg::1800::1205","Corinth","Two-handled basin with low, neatly formed raised base, curving spreading sides, flanged flat rim, and two horizontal handles which are made of a flat strip of clay pinched out into a triangular shape.","SMALL BASIN","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 522","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 522","","" "","","Corinth:Image:bw 1986 049 21::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1986_049/1986_st_049_021.jpg::1800::1207","Corinth","Stand for cooking pot. The stand is hollow with a doubly curved profile and a flat rim sloping inward. It has no bottom; the sides are cut out so that they form three broad legs; they are somewhat misshapen as a result of accidents in firing, and their curve does not form a perfect circle. The stand looks as if it were intended to support a small cooking pot over a charcoal fire, for which the openings in the side would provide sufficient air. But the excellence of fabric is in contrast with the rather coarse finish of the cooking vessels themselves.","4-LEGGED STAND","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 523","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 523","","" "","","","Corinth","Zygouries","","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 524","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 524","","" "","","","Corinth","buff clay","COARSE KRATER","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 525","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 525","","" "","","","Corinth","Zygouries","","","Object","Corinth:Object:Z 526","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","","Z 526","",""