"Redirect","dc-date","Id","Name","Collection","Chronology","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-title","Icon","Type","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-publisher" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 913","Z 913","Corinth","","","","MIDDLE HELLADIC TO LATE HELLADIC 1 BODY SHERD","","Object","Single body sherd likelyfrom the shoulder of a closed jug or jar","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 914","Z 914","Corinth","Blegen Class 2 Matt painted MH, could push later though.","","","MIDDLE HELLADIC TO LATE HELLADIC I BODY SHERD","","Object","A single body sherd.","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 915","Z 915","Corinth","An exact parallel from the North Cemetery suggests this is MH in date","","","MIDDLE HELLADIC RIM HANDLED CUP HANDLE","","Object","The handle of a rim handled cup. See Buck 1966, shape A6. There is a complete example from the North Cemetery on display in the Museum.","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 916","Z 916","Corinth","could be LH I","","","MIDDLE HELLADIC TO LATE HELLADIC I BODY SHERD","","Object","The body sherd of a closed shape possibly the shoulder.","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 917","Z 917","Corinth","","","","MIDDLE HELLADIC TO LATE HELLADIC I BODY SHERD","","Object","Matt painted geometric/linear designs","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 918","Z 918","Corinth","Parallels from Rutter 1993 but also Davis 1979. This is likely late MH but Matt Painted kraters continue into LH I.","","","RIM OF MIDDLE HELLADIC/LATE HELLADIC I BASIN/KRATER","","Object","Long Rim of a basin or krater.","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 919","Z 919","Corinth","Davis 1979. These Polychrome vesses are LH I.","","","LATE HELLADIC I CLOSED SHAPE","","Object","A body sherd from a closed shape","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","" "","","Corinth:Object:Z 920","Z 920","Corinth","Originally dated MH in Zygouries, as Davis, 1979, points out the Mainland polychrome style is in fact almost diagnostic of LH I. Cf. Rutter 1989","","","LATE HELLADIC I BODY SHERD","","Object","A body sherd. Nothing morecan be said about shape, other than the loops could suggest a cup. No real curvature prserved though.","Miscellaneous | Zygouries",""