
[Corinth Object] A 443: CORINTHIAN CAPITAL

Corinthian capital with two rows of eight acanthus leaves and top row of four sets of acanthus sprays and scrolls. In N.B. 137, p. 103 the capital is described as unfinished and compared with some of ... A 443


[Corinth Object] A 447: CHIMAERA CAPITAL

Chimaera capital with eight acanthus leaves around the base and an upper row with acanthus leaves at the corners alternating with panther heads framed in big wings which spring from the acanthus leaf below ... A 447


[Corinth Object] A 448: AEOLIC CAPITAL

Aeolic capital. Pentelic marble. Complete or intact. Tips of acanthus leaves and small pieces missing ... A


[Corinth Object] A 449: IONIC CAPITAL

Ionic capital. The undersurface of this capital had no embolion cutting; for secure mounting a hole was drilled in center of undersurface and a bronze rod imbedded. White marble. Complete or intact. Complete, ... mounting a hole was drilled in center of undersurface and a