[Corinth Basket] NB141 P104

Deposit 141 104 NB141 P104 NB147 P180 NB148 P031 P035 P087 NB151 P044 South Stoa: west side of dig near stereo ; in wall E. of Kenchreai road ; Forum SE: area 3: m(underlined)-zeta:93-100 -2.30 m. below ... 1934/06/02;1936/03/04


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 141, spread 74 (pp. 103 - 104)

103 104 Pg. 103, 2/6/1934, CL 2286, lamp of type XXVII Pg. 103, 2/6/1934, MF 3803, bone pin Pg. 103, 2/6/1934, C 1934 2432 Pg. 103, 2/6/1934, C 1934 2433 Pg. 103, 2/6/1934, C 1934 2434 Pg. 103, 2/6/1934, ... 2/6/1934


[Corinth Image] bw 6845

Latin Dedicatory Inscription ... 1949


[Corinth Publication] Corinth VIII.3. The Inscriptions, 1926-1950

Kent, John Harvey ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 8:3 The inscriptions found in the excavations at Corinth between 1926 and 1950 are published here which, although fragmentary, provide significant new evidence for the history of Greece in the ... 1966