
[Corinth Monument] Korakou

Korakou is a hill (260x115m) 35m above sea level overlooking the Corinthian Gulf at the western end of the city of New Corinth. Blegen excavated here in the summers of 1915 and 1916. He used the results ... Corinthia | New Corinth | Korakou


[Corinth Monument] Aetopetra

Aetopetra is a hill (225x100m) located 3km west of Ancient Corinth, 1.6km east of Longopotamos, on the 92nd km mark of the Athens-Patras highway. Blegen observed pottery (EH, MH, and LH) and house walls ... similar to Korakou (Incised,


[Corinth Monument] City Wall

The oldest portions of the City wall date from the late Geometric period. This early section was found at the edge of the terrace at the Potters’ Quarter about 1.5 kilometers west of the museum at Corinth ... site of Korakou. The western