[Corinth Basket] NB133 P147

Deposit 133 147 NB133 P147 Shop XXXIII, fill in well at P:10, 1.85 to 2.50 m. below top Shop XXXIII, stylobate level (P:9) ... 1933/05/14


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 99 (pp. 147 - 148)

147 148 Pg. 147, Well 1933-7, 14/5/1933, C 1933 1270 Pg. 147, Well 1933-7, 14/5/1933, C 1933 1271 Pg. 147, Lot 3788, 14/5/1933, CL 1733, lamp Type XXIV Pg. 147, Lot 3788, 14/5/1933, CL 1726, lamp Type? ... 14/5/1933


[Corinth Monument] Forum southwest

In the 1970's Charles Williams conducted excavations in this corner of the forum in which several Roman buildings were uncovered. Excavation continued to reveal a large portion of the pre-Roman city ...