[Corinth Basket] NB163 P140

Deposit 163 140 NB163 P140 Box3 Lot Thrown E-H:16-21 (area south of Tower) fill with tiles and rocks, -0.10 to -0.75 m ... 1937/06/05


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 163, spread 79 (pp. 140 - 141)

140 141 Pg. 140, 5/6/1937, MF 6712, glass lead Pg. 140, 5/6/1937, C 1937 1107, BYZANTINE BROWN GLAZED CHAFING DISH Pg. 140, 5/6/1937, C 1937 1108 Pg. 140, 5/6/1937, C 1937 1109 Pg. 140, 5/6/1937, C 1937 ... 5/6/1937


[Corinth Monument] Agora south central

Excavations in this area of the forum were conducted in 1936-38. Charles Morgan, M. Folse, and M. Campbell supervised the work on the Central Shops, Bema, and the Underground Shrine.