
[Corinth Monument] Propylaia

Propylaia on the Lechaion Road: The Propylaia, the main entrance to the Forum, consisted of three archways: one main and two smaller ones. At the time of Pausanias the gilded bronze chariots of Helios ...


[Corinth Image] bw 1635

Inscription ... 1927

[Corinth Publication] Greek Inscriptions from Corinth

Powell, Benjamin ... American Journal of Archaeology 7:1 26-71 ... January


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 8, spread 10 (p. 13)

13 [no page number], 14/4/1899, I 24, ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE: LATIN, GREEK [no page number], 14/4/1899, S 61, TOGATUS STATUE Pg. 13, I 10, LATE GREEK INSCRIBED BLOCK ... 14/4/1899