[Corinth Basket] NB163 P171

Deposit 163 171 Pit at N-O:21-23 Context description on p. 170 which also notes 10 coins were found, 1 saved (Jason I), also 4 boxes and 4 tins (?) of sherds. Finds from pit continue on p. 172 which include ... 1937/06/11


[Corinth Monument] Agora south central

Excavations in this area of the forum were conducted in 1936-38. Charles Morgan, M. Folse, and M. Campbell supervised the work on the Central Shops, Bema, and the Underground Shrine.


[Corinth Publication] Corinth VII.3. Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery

Edwards, G. Roger ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 7:3 This report focuses on the pottery produced in Corinth in the Hellenistic period down to the time of that city's destruction by Mummius in 146 B.C. Imported pottery of the period, as well as ... 1975