[Corinth Basket] NB885 B124 P150

Basket/zembil 885 124 150 NB885 P150 B124 Lot 1996-044 Lower dumped fill in depression; burned debris on slope in Trench E ... 1996/06/10

[Corinth Basket] NB892 B56 P72

Basket/zembil 892 56 72 NB892 P072 B056 Lot 1997-057 Lower dumped fill in depression ... 1997/05/28


[Corinth Monument] Panaghia Villa

Fourteen rooms of a large Late Roman town house, or domus, include two with intricate geometric mosaic floors and one with a central marble fountain. Of two peristyle courts within the building, one featured ...


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 892, spread 41 (p. 73)

73 [no page number], 28/5/1997, Lot 1997 57 [no page number], 28/5/1997, C 1997 70, LATE ROMAN AMPHORA [no page number], 28/5/1997, C 1997 49 A, LATE ROMAN TABLE AMPHORA [no page number], 28/5/1997, C ... 28/5/1997