
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 71 (pp. 130 - 131)

130 131 Pg. 130, From W. end, KV 408 Pg. 130, From W. end, KP 881, Small shallow bowl Pg. 130, From Deposit at W. end, KP 1179 B Pg. 130, From Deposit at W. end, KV 1256, Seven kalathoi Pg. 130, From Deposit ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 73 (pp. 134 - 135)

134 135 Pg. 134, From E. extension of S 4 & S 5, KT 78 7 Pg. 134, From E. extension of S 4 & S 5, KP 878, Miniature krater [?] Pg. 134, From E. extension of S 4 & S 5, KT 36 5, Part of horse ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 74 (pp. 136 - 137)

136 137 Pg. 136, Miniature vases, KV 922, Seventeen skyphoi Pg. 136, Miniature vases, KV 530, Plates [?] Pg. 136, Miniature vases, KV 918, Plates [?] Pg. 136, Miniature vases, KV 1263, Plates [?] Pg. 136, ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 75 (pp. 138 - 139)

138 139 Pg. 138, KT 49 16, Part of sphinx Pg. 138, KT 49 21, Part of sphinx Pg. 138, KT 19 64, Part of large reclining figure in elaborate couch Pg. 138, KT 19 89, Part of large reclining figure in elaborate ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 76 (pp. 140 - 141)

140 141 Pg. 140, From E. extension of Trench S 3, KP 234, Squat oinochoe with round lip (or KP 883) Pg. 140, From E. extension of Trench S 3, KT 16 11, Part of groteque male figure Pg. 140, From E. extension ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 77 (pp. 142 - 143)

142 143 Pg. 142, From deposit in Trial Trench S a; Vases, KV 913 Pg. 142, From deposit in Trial Trench S a; Miniature vases, KV 1282, Six small oinochoai Pg. 142, From deposit in Trial Trench S a; Miniature ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 78 (pp. 144 - 145)

144 145 Pg. 144, Figurines, KT 32 41, Dog Pg. 144, Figurines, KT 32 42, Dog Pg. 144, Figurines, KT 32 44, Dog Pg. 144, Figurines, KT 32 45, Dog Pg. 144, Figurines, KT 33 17, Ram Pg. 144, Figurines, KT ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 79 (pp. 146 - 147)

146 147 Pg. 146, Drawing, Well V [Well 1931-13] Pg. 147, 22/5/1931, KM 96 Pg. 147, Trench S 8, 22/5/1931, Drawing, Section of clay water channel [?] ... 22/5/1931 ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 80 (pp. 148 - 149)

148 149 Pg. 148, Deposit of miniature vases, KA 9, STELE; Stuccoed stele ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 81 (pp. 150 - 151)

150 151 Pg. 150, Grave D [Grave 1931-102], KA 20 Pg. 150, From deposit; Vases, KP 370 or 371, Rounded oinochoe Pg. 150, From deposit; Vases, KP 367, Oinochoe of tall, slender type Pg. 150, From deposit; ... Corinth:Notebook:123


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 123, spread 82 (pp. 152 - 153)

152 153 Pg. 153, Figurines, KT 49 11, Sphinx Pg. 153, Figurines, KT 49 13, Sphinx Pg. 153, Figurines, KT 49 20, Sphinx Pg. 153, Figurines, KT 12 8, Lower part of very large female figure Pg. 153, Figurines, ... Corinth:Notebook:123