
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 16, spread 8 (p. 9)

9 [no page number], Lechaion Road Shops, Drawing, Trench III Pg. 9, S of Trench III, 22/3/1902, I 174, inscribed marble slab. Letters 0.8 0.65 high Pg. 9, S of Trench III, 22/3/1902, I 175, WHITE MARBLE ... 22/3/1902


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 16c, spread 8 (p. 9)

9 Pg. 9, 22/3/1902, I 174, INSCRIBED MARBLE SLAB. LETTERS 0.8 0.65 HIGH Pg. 9, 22/3/1902, I 175, white marble 19X21 ... 22/3/1902