[Corinth Basket] Lechaion Road, Road, in porch of shops north of "bema": Road, in porch of shops north of "bema"

Deposit Road, in porch of shops north of "bema" ... Date of context unknown but prob. Byzantine or late Roman


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 10, spread 18 (p. 27)

27 [no page number], Roman shops, 2/5/1901, S 314, FRAGMENT OF CORINTHIAN MAGISTRATE; half a Roman Senator [no page number], 4/5/1901, I 15, MARBLE INSCRIBED BASE: LATIN; roman inscription [no page number], ... 2/5/1901, 4/5/1901, 7/5/1901


[Corinth Monument] Lechaion Road

The main north-south artery (cardo maximus) of the Roman city ultimately linked the Agora of Corinth with the harbor of Lechaion on the Corinthian gulf 3 kilometers to the north. In the time of Augustus, ...