[Corinth Basket] NB87 P88

Deposit 87 88 NB087 P088 From hemicycle, south of Old Museum, on floor of large northwest room ... 1925/07/22


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 87, spread 49 (pp. 88 - 89)

88 89 Pg. 88, S of Museum, 22/7/1925, I 784, LATIN BUILDING INSCRIPTION Pg. 88, S of Museum, 22/7/1925, i 785, LATIN BUILDING INSCRIPTION ... 22/7/1925


[Corinth Monument] Lechaion Road

The main north-south artery (cardo maximus) of the Roman city ultimately linked the Agora of Corinth with the harbor of Lechaion on the Corinthian gulf 3 kilometers to the north. In the time of Augustus, ...


[Corinth Image] bw 1972

Inscription ... 1928


[Corinth Publication] Corinth VIII.2. Latin Inscriptions, 1896-1926

West, Allen Brown ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 8:2 This presentation of 226 Latin inscriptions found during the early years of excavation at Corinth is divided into two main sections: Inscriptions of the Republican period and Inscriptions of ... 1931