
[Corinth Object] V 132: VOTIVE EAR

Handmade right and left ear attached to rectangular plaque; lobes of ears are pierced. White sizing. Fine buff clay. Missing parts. Two ears intact; one corner of plaque preserved, rest RIP. F28 HM Asklepieion ...


[Corinth Object] V 133: VOTIVE EAR

Handmade ear, flat in back though unfinished clay surface. Wide groove and ridges to indicate forms of ear. Fine reddish yellow clay, with rare spherical, subrounded, medium brown inclusions Complete ...


[Corinth Object] V 134: VOTIVE CHEST AND ABDOMEN

Mouldmade hollow chest and abdomen of a seated figure. Full belly, slightly modelled chest and back. Break for left leg shows it lays flat on ground. Temple boy? Fine pink clay, rare, platy, rounded, ... 1931/05/23

[Corinth Object] V 134b: VOTIVE CHEST AND ABDOMEN

Mouldmade male chest and abdomen, hollow, well modelled in front, not finished in back. Modelling in front shows pectorals, nipple, abdominal muscles, and navel. Bottom of fragment finished to form flat ... 1931/04/22


[Corinth Object] V 135: VOTIVE EYE

Handmade plaque with an eye incised on it; wide groove for outline of eye and circle for pupil. Very faint trace of white sizing and red paint. Fine buff clay. Fragment. Single fragment preserving full ...



Mouldmade terracotta plaque for a votive, edge depressed from central area of plaque, and with a secondary, circular, raised area in the plaque's center. Raised area is flat topped, hollow at back. Back ...


[Corinth Object] V 137: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade left leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg; opening in top covered with flat clay cap; hole in center of cap, max. p. dim. 0.043. On front at top projecting lump of clay perhaps only method ...


[Corinth Object] V 138: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade right leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg. On inside of leg at top of thigh large indentation as if hunk of skin missing. Buttock realistically rendered. Leg nicely shaped. Muscle of thighs, ...


[Corinth Object] V 143: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade lower (left?) leg, ends at knee. Hollow; hole in top covered by cap of clay. A hole in each side of knee near top. Leg almost straight, little modelling for knee and ankle bone, relation between ...

[Corinth Object] V 144: VOTIVE LEG

Hollow, mouldmade upper leg and part of buttock, with suspension holes on either side (diam. 0.009) and located below buttock. This object was found by itself in a drawer in the Asklepieion room, without ...


[Corinth Object] V 147: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade right leg to just above knee and foot. Leg is hollow, opening at top closed by a flat cap of clay which is pierced by two holes one larger than the other. Leg is nicely shaped; knee cap, shin ...


[Corinth Object] V 148: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade left lower leg and foot. Leg hollow; opening at top closed by clay cap. A suspension hole pierces leg on each side just below cap. Shape of leg not accurate; two bumps at top of shin bone ...


[Corinth Object] V 149: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade left buttock, leg, and foot. Leg is hollow, opening closed by flat cap of clay at top. A suspension, diam. ca. 0.025 pierces leg on each side just below cap. Leg fairly shapeless, knee cap ...


[Corinth Object] V 150: VOTIVE LEG

Mouldmade right lower leg from just above knee and foot; hollow leg terminating in narrow slot in sole of foot at heel. Another smaller slot in front part of foot; sole flat; shaped for instep; arch on ...