[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2017 by Tori Bedingfield (2017-05-02 to 2017-05-19): Frankish Area: Unit 1, Courtyard, Northeast Corner

Temple E, Southeast Excavations 2017 Coordinates: N: 1043.270, S: 1039.866, E: 114.763, W: 109.937 This is the final summary report for work undertaken in the northeastern corner of the courtyard of Unit ... Corinth

[Corinth Report] New Apotheke: D. Kokolopoulos and E. Lambraki Field 2016 by (2016-05-30 to 2016-08-13): Final Report on the Excavations for the ASCSA’s New Apotheke

This excavation was undertaken from May 30-August 13, 2016 in the area of the planned new apotheke of the ASCSA’s Corinth Excavations. As the excavation permit requires, the primary objective was to reach ... Ancient Corinth

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Nathan T. Arrington and Andrew (Drew) W. Sweet (2008-04-07 to 2008-04-23): Early, Middle and Late Roman contexts in Rooms E and F and the two rooms north of Rooms E and F

We, Nathan Arrington (NTA) and Drew Sweet (AWS), excavated North of Nezi between April 8, 2008 and April 22, 2008, focusing on the eastern area, in Room E, a “corridor” north of Room E, and a room north ... Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Nezi Field


[Corinth Basket] Temple E, Southeast, context 308: Fill of grave under column capital

Deposit 1108 308 Lot 2014-035 Lots of plaster, especially at surface, many tile fragments and much disarticulated small human bone; ceramic common as are rounded to subrounded coarse to medium pebbles ... 2014/05/15 ... 123.9-123.05E, 1072.22-1073.88N ... 1072.22 ... Corinth