[Corinth Basket] NB72 P177

Deposit 72 177 NB072 P177 NB081 P301 NB151 P009 (back) Found in the upper part of the earlier period of wall px (p. 155; E. cryptoporticus ?);I-0725: probably built into vault, S. aisle; I-0862: provenance ... 1914/11/16;1927/04/28


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 72, spread 93 (pp. 176 - 177)

176 177 Pg. 177, I 585, INSCRIBED MARBLE SLAB: LATIN; Latin inscription


[Corinth Monument] Early Excavations

Early excavators sunk dozens of strip trenches around Ancient Corinth in the first years of the excavation in an attempt to understand the topography of the ancient city.