
[Corinth Object] C 2015 67: BYZANTINE SGRAFFITO BOWL

Bowl with convex body curving up to vertical rim, defined by angular edge on exterior, rounded lip. White slip on inner surface to over rim on exterior. Green glaze on inner surface. Fine sgraffito clawed ... 2nd half 12th c. CE ... Temple E, Southeast, context 898, LOT 2015 044


[Corinth Object] MF 2014 6: CUBIC BONE DIE

Cubic bone die. Values indicated by encircled dots and placed in normal fashion with sides equaling seven (1-6, 2-5, 3-4). Similar to but smaller than MF-405 (Davidson 1952, Corinth 12, cat. 1740), almost ... based on comparanda in Corinth 12, or later? ... Temple E, Southeast


[Corinth Object] MF 2015 18: MARBLE DISK

Thick marble disk (stopper? weight? counter?) with smooth, flat top and bottom with rounded edges. Perhaps similar to marble inscription recut as stopper I-2288C (Kent 1966, Corinth 8.3, cat. 33G), but ... Late Roman or Byzantine, based on comparanda in Corinth 12 ... Temple E, Southeast, context 792, LOT 2015 003


[Corinth Object] C 2014 10: METALLIC WARE BOWL

Bowl with a disk foot almost flat in undersurface and tapered edges, hemishperical body, bevelled in lip. Similar to C-1936-865, C-1993-27, and C-2014-9. Green glaze over all and over the lip with color ... Late 13th-mid 14th c., based on comparanda and context ... Temple E, Southeast, context 236, LOT 2014 032