
[Corinth Object] MF 10284: GLASS SEAL

Orange glass, white with incrustation. Oval shape. Draped figure holding sun-like object on front. Simple linear design on back. Fragment. Slightly more than half preserved ... 1961/06/01


[Corinth Object] MF 10307: STONE SEAL

Complete or intact. Complete ... 1961/05/17

[Corinth Object] MF 7224: BRONZE LOOM COMB

Similar to MF-5710 (Davidson 1952, Corinth 12, cat. 1229) and MF-2009-20. Bronze ... 1937/11/10


[Corinth Object] S 194: HEAD OF DIONYSOS

Head of Dionysos with right forearm over head in position of "Apollo Lykeios" of Praxiteles. Very cold hard work which Johnson ascribes to 2nd c. AD. Roughly finished on top and back. Proper left side ... 1900/05/15