
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 76 (pp. 141 - 142)

141 142 Pg. 141, Plan A, 23/4/1935, C 1935 568 Pg. 142, 23/4/1935, C 1935 559 Pg. 142, 23/4/1935, C 1935 560 Pg. 142, 23/4/1935, C 1935 561 Pg. 142, 23/4/1935, C 1935 562 Pg. 142, 23/4/1935, C 1935 76, ... 23/4/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 77 (pp. 143 - 144)

143 144 Pg. 143, 23/4/1935, MF 4476, bone needle Pg. 144, 23/4/1935, S 2006, fragment of white marble drapery Pg. 144, 23/4/1935, C 1935 93, miniature corinthian skyphos Black stripes on regular corinthian ... 23/4/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 78 (pp. 145 - 146)

145 146 Pg. 145, 23/4/1935, MF 4485, BONE STYLUS OR PIN; plain bone pin perfectly preserved Pg. 146, 23/4/1935, MF 4491, sprindle whorl of stone [?] bluish Pg. 146, 23/4/1935, MF 4492, whorl of greenish ... 23/4/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 79 (pp. 147 - 148)

147 148 Pg. 147, Plan A map on p 1, 24/4/1935, C 1935 517, INCISED-SGRAFFITO PLATE Pg. 148, 24/4/1935, I 1471 c Pg. 148, 24/4/1935, MF 4479, bone button ... 24/4/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 80 (pp. 149 - 150)

149 150 Pg. 149, 24/4/1935, MF 4640, bone ? object of solid cylinder Pg. 149, 24/4/1935, S 2007, fragment of drapery Pg. 149, 24/4/1935, S 2008, fragment of drapery Pg. 150, 24/4/1935, S 2009, fragment ... 24/4/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 81 (pp. 151 - 152)

151 152 Pg. 151, 24/4/1935, S 2010, marble with relief of leaf on one side and incised circles on the [?] Pg. 152, Plan A map on p 1, 2/5/1935, C 1935 558 Pg. 152, Plan A map on p 1, 2/5/1935, C 1935 425, ... 24/4/1935, 2/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 82 (pp. 153 - 154)

153 154 Pg. 153, 2/5/1935, MF 4837, lead weight Pg. 153, 2/5/1935, MF 4258, stoen whorl Pg. 154, 2/5/1935, MF Modern/ Discarded, silver? earing ser with ehite stones Pg. 154, 2/5/1935, MF 4260, stone whorl ... 2/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 83 (pp. 155 - 156)

155 156 Pg. 155, 2/5/1935, MF 4262, boen button Pg. 155, 2/5/1935, MF 4261, bone ear spoon broken at end Pg. 155, 2/5/1935, Drawing, corner of moulding with lesbian leaf at bottom Pg. 156, From Area 6, ... 2/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 84 (pp. 157 - 158)

157 158 Pg. 157, 2/5/1935, S 2012 A, fragment of marble drapery Pg. 157, 2/5/1935, S 2012 B, fragment of marble drapery Pg. 157, 2/5/1935, I 1594 Pg. 158, 2/5/1935, Lot 3667 Pg. 158, 2/5/1935, MF DIscarded, ... 2/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 85 (pp. 159 - 160)

159 160 Pg. 159, 2/5/1935, MF 4265, stone whorl chipped and without designs Pg. 159, 2/5/1935, MF 4981, paste gem in silver? setting Pg. 160, 2/5/1935, MF 5170, iron gimlet? Pg. 160, 2/5/1935, I 1595 ... 2/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 86 (pp. 161 - 162)

161 162 Pg. 162, 3/5/1935, Drawing, piece of painted stucco ... 3/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 87 (pp. 163 - 164)

163 164 Pg. 163, 3/5/1935, S 2013, right hand of white marble Pg. 163, 3/5/1935, MF 4266, part of mouthpiece of ivory or bone flute Pg. 163, 3/5/1935, MF 4267, bone button Pg. 164, 3/5/1935, I 1532 Pg ... 3/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 88 (pp. 165 - 166)

165 166 Pg. 165, 3/5/1935, I 1567 Pg. 166, 3/5/1935, FS 777 Pg. 166, 3/5/1935, FST 220, fragment og carved roof tile Pg. 166, 3/5/1935, MF 4269, bone needle Pg. 166, 3/5/1935, I 1558 G Pg. 166, 3/5/1935, ... 3/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 89 (pp. 167 - 168)

167 168 Pg. 167, 3/5/1935, S 2014, right side and thigh of statuette of marble of nude youth ? marble brautifully finished Pg. 167, 3/5/1935, MF 4840, bronge hook arrangement Pg. 167, 3/5/1935, MF discarded, ... 3/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 90 (pp. 169 - 170)

169 170 Pg. 169, 3/5/1935, Drawing, marble basket well carved Pg. 169, 3/5/1935, Drawing, small marble pestle perfectly preserved Pg. 170, 3/5/1935, MF 4243, loom weight perfectly preserved Pg. 170, 3/5/1935, ... 3/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 91 (pp. 171 - 172)

171 172 Pg. 171, Plan A Plan B, 4/5/1935, C 1935 518 Pg. 171, Plan A Plan B, 4/5/1935, C 1935 519 Pg. 171, Plan A Plan B, 4/5/1935, C 1935 520 Pg. 171, Plan A Plan B, 4/5/1935, C 1935 521 Pg. 171, Plan ... 4/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 92 (pp. 173 - 174)

173 174 Pg. 173, 4/5/1935, I 1596 Pg. 173, 4/5/1935, I 1404 H Pg. 173, 4/5/1935, C 1935 105, stamped arretine sherd stamp Pg. 174, 4/5/1935, MF 4270, tone whorl ... 4/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 93 (pp. 175 - 176)

175 176 Pg. 175, 4/5/1935, AM 379, Byzantine import block with beast carved Pg. 175, 4/5/1935, S 2018, fragment of marble drapery Pg. 175, 4/5/1935, I 1597, white marble one side preserved Pg. 176, 4/5/1935, ... 4/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 94 (pp. 177 - 178)

177 178 Pg. 177, 4/5/1935, S 2020, fragment of head and neck coarsely carved Pg. 177, 4/5/1935, MF 4268, stone whorl Pg. 177, 4/5/1935, C 1935 104, coarse unglazed jug Pg. 178, 4/5/1935, C 1935 118, SGRAFFITO ... 4/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 95 (pp. 179 - 180)

179 180 Pg. 179, 4/5/1935, I 1599 Pg. 180, 4/5/1935, C 1935 98, coarse unglazed Byzantine pot Pg. 180, 4/5/1935, I 1451 B, part of statue base top and right edge preserved with moulding ... 4/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 96 (pp. 181 - 182)

181 182 Pg. 181, 4/5/1935, MF 4274, bone needle plain broken at upper end Pg. 182, 4/5/1935, MF 4984, bronge object Pg. 182, 4/5/1935, C 1935 866 ... 4/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 97 (pp. 183 - 184)

183 184 Pg. 183, Plan A Plan B, 6/5/1935, C 1935 523 Pg. 183, Plan A Plan B, 6/5/1935, C 1935 524 Pg. 184, 6/5/1935, I 1600 Pg. 184, 6/5/1935, I 1558 P ... 6/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 98 (pp. 185 - 186)

185 186 Pg. 185, 6/5/1935, I 1601 Pg. 185, 6/5/1935, S 2021, fragment of white marble limb Pg. 185, 6/5/1935, C 1935 77, fragment of stamped arretine plate Pg. 185, 6/5/1935, MF 4444, stone whorl ... 6/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 99 (pp. 187 - 188)

187 188 Pg. 187, 6/5/1935, MF 4468, plain bone needle borken off at upper end Pg. 187, 6/5/1935, Drawing, fragment of bronge like a collapsed bell Pg. 187, 6/5/1935, S 2022, white marble releif of horseman ... 6/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 100 (pp. 189 - 190)

189 190 Pg. 189, 6/5/1935, I 1558 B Pg. 189, 6/5/1935, C 1935 91, stamped amphora handles stamp quite indistinct Pg. 189, 6/5/1935, MF 4775, small lead weight Pg. 190, 6/5/1935, MF 4438, stone whorl Pg ... 6/5/1935


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 147, spread 101 (pp. 191 - 192)

191 192 Pg. 191, 6/5/1935, C 1935 108, byzantine coarse jug whole Pg. 191, 6/5/1935, I 1454 J Pg. 191, 6/5/1935, I 1518 D ... 6/5/1935