[Corinth Basket] NB122 P82

122 82 NB122 P82 Votive Deposit II. Excavated 21-4-1931. Drain leading east along south line of temple. Several additional legs, feet, etc. Also a small hand, and a large fragment of the left side of a ... 1931/04/21

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P89

122 89 NB122 P89 Kriebardi trench. Exact provenience not mentioned. In yellow clay ... 1931/04/22

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P99

122 99 NB122 P99 Kriebardi trench. Byzantine waterchannel. No exact provenience ... 1931/04/24

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P101

122 101 NB122 P101 Votive Deposit IV, Kriebardi trench NW of excavation area. NB122 P101: In trial trench NW of the excav. area already 5 courses of the wall are found. In the fill found many sherds of ... 1931/04/24

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P104

Deposit 122 104 NB122 P104 From grid 22-30:c-q burned layers Main temenos, O:27, south of temple, in or above burned layers (doesn't specify which),0.70 (?)-0.50 m. above bedrock O:27, within main peribolos, ... 1931/04/25

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P105

122 105 NB122 P105, 106 Votive Deposit II. In drain ξ, 32-33 (probably M or N). Drain leading east along south line of temple. No level given ... Based on coin

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P107

Deposit 122 107 NB122 P107 Main temenos: over NE corner of pronaos of temple, 0.30 m. above rock in burned layer which overlies heavy layer of chips, etc. Temenos, south side to SE of temple in front of ... 1931/04/27

[Corinth Basket] NB122 P110

122 110 NB122 P110 Votive Deposit II. Rock cut drain cleared from M:27 to 35. Drain leading east along south line of temple. NB122 P110: From the rock cut drain of the 2nd Votive Deposit = Drain 1931-1, ... 5th-4th c. lamp