 Blegen dates to MH in his Class III of Matt Painted Sherds. Bichrome pottery is (Mathioudaki 2014, Kramer 2004) a hallmark of the end of MH and LH I. in Absence of context it cannot be dated more precisely. 
 Davis 1979. Mainland Polychrome is diagnostic for LH I. 
 Bichrome could be MH or LH, coarseness suggests MH. No contextual information so precision lacking. 
 Davis 1979 dates polychrome to LH I. See examples in Grave Circle A VI. 
 Blegen dates this sherd MH based on MM III parallels. Redated here to LH I since it is clearly Mycenaean decorated. The unfilled circle motif according to Furumark 1941 fig. 57, only occurs in LH I, giving this as our date. 
 The shape, according to Mountjoy MDP is LH IIA, however the flaking paint, (Furumark p.13) and unslipped interior potentially suggest an LH I date. 
 2019/04/15LH I. LH I or LH IIA based on shape and motif, Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 48, 353, 358, 621. 396–397. LH I based on excavator's reported context (Blegen 1928, Zyrougies, p. 135–136, fig 128.2.)