"Chronology","Id","Collection","Date","Type","Title","UserLevel","Name","Icon" "Blegen dates to MH in his Class III of Matt Painted Sherds. Bichrome pottery is (Mathioudaki 2014, Kramer 2004) a hallmark of the end of MH and LH I. in Absence of context it cannot be dated more precisely.","Corinth:Object:Z 921","Corinth","","Object","MH LH I BODY SHERD OF OPEN SHAPE","","Z 921","" "Davis 1979. Mainland Polychrome is diagnostic for LH I.","Corinth:Object:Z 922","Corinth","","Object","LATE HELLADIC I MAINLAND POLYCHROME BODY SHERD","","Z 922","" "Bichrome could be MH or LH, coarseness suggests MH. No contextual information so precision lacking.","Corinth:Object:Z 923","Corinth","","Object","MIDDLE HELLADIC TO LATE HELLADIC I BODY SHERD","","Z 923","" "Davis 1979 dates polychrome to LH I. See examples in Grave Circle A VI.","Corinth:Object:Z 924","Corinth","","Object","LATE HELLADIC I CLOSED SHAPE","","Z 924","" "Blegen dates this sherd MH based on MM III parallels. Redated here to LH I since it is clearly Mycenaean decorated. The unfilled circle motif according to Furumark 1941 fig. 57, only occurs in LH I, giving this as our date.","Corinth:Object:Z 925","Corinth","","Object","LATE HELLADIC I CLOSED SHAPE BODY SHERD","","Z 925","" "The shape, according to Mountjoy MDP is LH IIA, however the flaking paint, (Furumark p.13) and unslipped interior potentially suggest an LH I date.","Corinth:Object:Z 926","Corinth","","Object","LATE HELLADIC I - IIA BOWL","","Z 926","" "","Corinth:Object:Z 927","Corinth","","Object","MH TO LH I JUG","","Z 927","" "LH I. LH I or LH IIA based on shape and motif, Furumark 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, pp. 48, 353, 358, 621. 396–397. LH I based on excavator's reported context (Blegen 1928, Zyrougies, p. 135–136, fig 128.2.)","Corinth:Object:Z 928","Corinth","2019/04/15","Object","LATE HELLADIC I SHALLOW SEMI-GLOBULAR CUP (""TEA CUP"")","","Z 928",""