Corinth II. The Theatre1952  
Corinth V. The Roman Villa1930  
Corinth VI. Coins, 1896-19291933  
Corinth X. The Odeum1932  
Corinth XI. The Byzantine Pottery1942  
Corinth XII. The Minor Objects1952  
Corinth XIII. The North Cemetery1964  
Corinth XIV. The Asklepieion and Lerna1951  
Corinth XVI. Medieval Architecture in the Central Area of Corinth1957  
Corinth XVII. The Great Bath on the Lechaion Road1985  
Lavari est Vivere: Baths in Roman Corinth2003  
The Sanctuaries of Corinth2003  
Eighth-Century Corinthian Pottery: Evidence for the Dates of Greek Settlement in the West2003  
The View from the Isthmus, ca. 200 to 44 B.C.2003  
Geology of Corinth: The Study of a Basic Resource2003  
Beyond Peirene: Toward a Broader View of Corinthian Water Supply2003  
Corinth before the Mycenaeans2003  
Corinthian Bronze: Famous, but Elusive2003  
Corinthian Terracotta Figurines: The Development of an Industry2003  
Corinthian Trade with the Punic West in the Classical Period2003  
Classical and Hellenistic Pottery from Corinth and Its Athenian Connections2003  
Archaic Corinthian Architecture, ca. 600 to 480 B.C.2003  
The Earliest Greek Architecture in Corinth and the 7th-Century Temple on Temple Hill2003  
Corinthian Archaic and Classical Pottery: The Local Style2003  
City Planning, Centuriation, and Land Division in Roman Corinth: Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis \& Colonia Iulia Flavia Augusta Corinthiensis2003  
Corinth and the Corinthia in the Second Millenium B.C.: Old Approaches, New Problems2003  
Recent Developments in the Chronology of Byzantine Corinth2003  
Corinth's Roman Pottery: Quantification and Meaning2003  
Roman Portraiture: The Many Faces of Corinth2003  
Aspects of Corinthian Coinage in the Late 1st and early 2nd Centuries A.C.2003  
Clays of Corinth: The Study of a Basic Resource for Ceramic Production2003  
Corinth [XX], the Centenary: 1896-19962003  
Frankish Corinth: An Overview2003  
Corinth I.1. Introduction, Topography, Architecture1932  
Corinth I.2. Architecture1941  
Corinth I.3. Architecture1951  
Corinth I.4. The South Stoa and its Roman Successors1954  
Corinth I.5. The Southeast Building, the Twin Basilicas, the Mosaic House1960  
Corinth I.6. The Springs: Peirene, Sacred Spring, Glauke1964  
Corinth III.1. Acrocorinth: Excavations in 19261930  
Corinth III.2. The Defenses of Acrocorinth and the Lower Town1936  
Corinth IV.1. Decorated Architectural Terracottas1929  
Corinth IV.2. Terracotta Lamps1930  
Corinth VII.1. The Geometric and Orientalizing Pottery1943  
Corinth VII.2. Archaic Corinthian Pottery and the Anaploga Well1975  
Corinth VII.3. Corinthian Hellenistic Pottery1975  
Corinth VII.4. The Red-Figure Pottery1977  
Corinth VII.5. Corinthian Conventionalizing Pottery2001  
Corinth VII.6. Late Classical Pottery from Ancient Corinth: Drain 1971-1 in the Forum Southwest2012  
Corinth VIII.1. Greek Inscriptions, 1896-19271931  
Corinth VIII.2. Latin Inscriptions, 1896-19261931  
Corinth VIII.3. The Inscriptions, 1926-19501966  
Corinth IX.1. Sculpture, 1896-19231931  
Corinth IX.2. Sculpture: The Reliefs from the Theater1977  
Corinth IX.3. Sculpture: The Assemblage from the Theater2004  
Corinth XV.1. The Potters' Quarter1948  
Corinth XV.2. The Potters' Quarter: The Terracottas1952  
Corinth XV.3. The Potters' Quarter: The Pottery1984  
Corinth XVIII.1. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Greek Pottery1989  
Corinth XVIII.2. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Roman Pottery and Lamps1990  
Corinth XVIII.3. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Topography and Architecture1997  
Corinth XVIII.4. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: Terracotta Figurines of the Classical, Hellenistic, and Roman Periods2000  
Corinth XVIII.5. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Terracotta Sculpture2010  
Corinth XVIII.6. The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore: The Inscriptions2013  
Kenchreai, Eastern Port of Corinth, Vol. IV. The Pottery1979  
A Roman Table Support at Ancient Corinth2000  
Simulacra Civitatum at Roman Corinth2014  
Graecia capta : the landscapes of Roman Greece1993  
A Corinthian Krater1928  
Neolithikum (Die Agaische Fruhzeit, 2nd ser., I)1996  
Recurrent Submergence and Uplift in the Area of Ancient Helike, Gulf of Corinth, Greece: Microfaunal and Archaeological Evidence2008  
Le monnayage des duovirs corinthiens1988  
Herakles et l'hydre de Lerne dans la ceramique corinthienne1982  
Studies in Archaic Corinthian Vase Painting1996  
San Simeon Revisited: Corinthian Vases1975  
Corinthian Vase-Painting of the Archaic Period1988  
Corinthiaca : studies in honor of Darrell A. Amyx1986  
Old Smyrna: The Corinthian Pottery1958  
Corinth: Temple e Northwest Preliminary Report, 19651967  
Ancient Beehives from Isthmia2002  
A Well in the Rachi Settlement at Isthmia1993  
The University of Chicago Excavations in the Rachi Settlement at Isthmia, 19891996  
A third century BC deposit from the south slope cistern in the Rachi settlement at Isthmia1997  
Corinthian West Slope pottery from Isthmia2000  
The Cult of Demeter and Kore at the Isthmus of Corinth2002  
Dinner at the Isthmus. Hellenistic cooking ware from the Rachi settlement at Isthmia2004  
Olive Oil Production at the Isthmus of Corinth2007  
Pottery from destruction deposits of the Rachi settlement at Isthmia ca. 200 B.C.2011  
The Corinthian Actaeon and Pheidon of Argos1949  
Geophysical Investigation for the Detection of Liquefaction Phenomena in an Archaeological Site, Lechaion, Greece2013  
Pots and Potters in Athens and Corinth: A Review1989  
Archaic pottery at Isthmia: a preliminary survey1999  
Corinthian Vase Painting1999  
Some Archaic plainwares from Isthmia2003  
Archaeology in Greece, 2011-20122012  
Saving the Excavations in Corinth1920  
A Portrait of Caracalla in Corinth1931  
Archaic and Classical Choral Song: Performance, Politics and Dissemination2011  
Landscape Archaeology and the Medieval Countryside: Settlement and Abandonment in the Nemea Region2010  
Regional ceramic trade in Early Bronze Age Greece : evidence from neutron activation analysis of early Helladic pottery from Argolis and Korinthia1982