N/A, Turkish bothrosTurkish bothros1988/04/07Turkish 16-17th c. 
Temple E, Southeast, Turkish pitTurkish pit1993/04/12;1993/05/18Turkish 
Temple E, Southeast, Large Turkish robbing pit in Annex and Annex westLarge Turkish robbing pit in Annex and Annex west1993/04/22;1993/05/18  
Oakley south, From high fill in vaulted room east of Turkish cisFrom high fill in vaulted room east of Turkish cis1963/06/07  
bw 2002 017 28Turkish coin, brought to O. Zervos by Byz. Ephoreia 4-9-98, returned to them.   
bw 2002 017 29Turkish coin, brought to O. Zervos by Byz. Ephoreia, 4-9-98, returned to them.   
LOT 7207Turkish Hall, below Turkish paving   
C 1936 435TURKISH