"Title","Collection","Icon","UserLevel","Id","Date","Type","Name","Chronology" "","Corinth","","","Corinth:Basket:Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore","1972/06/26; 1972/11/23; 1972/06/15; 1973/10/07; 2007/07/09","Basket","Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore","" "Building M:16-17, Room 2, period of abandonment, f","Corinth","","","Corinth:Basket:Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Building M:16-17, Room 2, period of abandonment, f","1965/06/29;1965/06/31","Basket","Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Building M:16-17, Room 2, period of abandonment, f","Pottery 3rd c. B.C., context at least 1st AC but before 3rd AC" "Building N:28, post destruction fill","Corinth","","","Corinth:Basket:Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Building N:28, post destruction fill","1965/04/28;1965/04/29","Basket","Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Building N:28, post destruction fill","4th c. B.C. or later" "Cuts 10:64, 23:64, 24:64, surface to top of south","Corinth","","","Corinth:Basket:Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Cuts 10:64, 23:64, 24:64, surface to top of south","1964/09/08;1964/11/18","Basket","Acrocorinth Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Cuts 10:64, 23:64, 24:64, surface to top of south","Late 4th c. A.C."