
[Corinth Monument] Quarries

Roman quarries opened within the city during the early Colony to the east and west of the Temple of Apollo.


[Corinth Monument] Race Course

The remains of two successive stadia (race tracks) lie beneath the Roman forum. The apheteria (starting blocks) of both, lie directly to the west of the Julian Basilica. The orientation of the two phases ...


[Corinth Monument] Race Course and Platform

A raised platform to the south of two successive race tracks may have been used for pale and pankrateion. The path Hellenistic phase of the race course caused the platform retaining wall to be slightly ...


[Corinth Monument] Roman Bath (Great Bath on the Lechaion Road)

On his way from the forum north along the Lechaion road, Pausanias discusses one of the many bath houses in the city:


[Corinth Monument] Roman Villa, Shear's

The remains of the villa are located about 1 km west of the theater. The villa is remarkable for the mosaic floors which are now house in the museum. One portrays a cowherd leaning against a tree playing ...