
[Corinth Monument] Fountain of Poseidon

This fountain is one of several structures of the West Terrace Temples bounding the west side of the Forum.


[Corinth Monument] Glauke

The fountain of Glauke, a large cubic mass of limestone, was formed when the surrounding bedrock was quarried away. Originally, the fountain was contained within a long limestone ridge running west from ...

[Corinth Monument] Glauke West

West of Glauke in 2009 trenches were opened on the site of a proposed souvenir shop. The shop was never built.


[Corinth Monument] Grava

Roman Kiln located in the area of Kokkinovrysi. Excavated by Gladys Weinberg.


[Corinth Monument] Gymnasium

The Gymnasium mentioned by Pausanias was thought to lie at the northern edge of the city where several inscriptions dealing with athletes and athletics have been found. Excavations during the 1960s and ...


[Corinth Monument] Gymnasium Fountain of Lamps

To the west of the Gymnasium a bath-and-fountain complex was built in a natural valley artificially enlarged in antiquity. In its earliest phase the supply of spring water was enhanced by tunneling horizontally ...


[Corinth Monument] Hadji Mustafa

Hadji Mustafa is the popular name of a fountain at the base of Acrocorinth. The fountain consists of a cistern for collecting water from the nearby spring and an arched facade built of limestone and reused ...


[Corinth Monument] Haghia Paraskeue

One of the burial chapels of Ancient Corinth. Rescue excavations were undertaken nearby.


[Corinth Monument] Ioannou Bath east of Great Bath

In 1998, a small rescue excavation by the ΛΖ ΕΠΚΑ was undertaken across the street from the Great Bath excavation. Several apsidal plunges around a circular room were uncovered.

[Corinth Monument] Irrigation Channel Excavations

An irrigation channel was built to carry water from Lake Stymphalus to the Isthmus of Corinth in the mid 1960’s. In the course of excavating the channel several Roman tombs were found at the edge of the ...


[Corinth Monument] Julian Basilica

The Julian Basilica closes the east end of the Roman forum. It was a two story structure with cryptoporticus below and a peristyle hall above. The basilica was built in the early years of the 1st century ...