
[Corinth Monument] Glauke

The fountain of Glauke, a large cubic mass of limestone, was formed when the surrounding bedrock was quarried away. Originally, the fountain was contained within a long limestone ridge running west from ...

[Corinth Monument] Glauke West

West of Glauke in 2009 trenches were opened on the site of a proposed souvenir shop. The shop was never built.


[Corinth Monument] Julian Basilica

The Julian Basilica closes the east end of the Roman forum. It was a two story structure with cryptoporticus below and a peristyle hall above. The basilica was built in the early years of the 1st century ...


[Corinth Monument] Kosmopoulos Trenches

Between 1911 and 1935, Leslie Walker Kosmopoulos excavated a total of 23 trenches in Ancient Corinth in the Forum, on Temple Hill, on the West Terrace, and around Temple E. Some of the material was stored ...


[Corinth Monument] Lechaion Road

The main north-south artery (cardo maximus) of the Roman city ultimately linked the Agora of Corinth with the harbor of Lechaion on the Corinthian gulf 3 kilometers to the north. In the time of Augustus, ...