[Corinth Basket] Peribolos of Apollo, Area H, hexastyle stoa, fill between stone chip pa: Area H, hexastyle stoa, fill between stone chip pa

Deposit Lot XXXX-3466 Area H, hexastyle stoa, fill between stone chip paving and floor level associated with E-W rubble wall ... 1966/05/18;1966/05/25

[Corinth Basket] Peribolos of Apollo, Area north of Peribolos of Apollo. 8/M at depth of: Area north of Peribolos of Apollo. 8/M at depth of

Deposit 224 Area north of Peribolos of Apollo. 8/M at depth of 0.20 m below stylobate of Lechaion Rd. CHM MZP p. 224 ... 1929/06/24

[Corinth Basket] Peribolos of Apollo, Exact provenance not recorded: Exact provenance not recorded

Deposit Exact provenance not recorded ... Date of context unknown; Byzantine?