[Corinth Basket] Lechaion Road, Written in pencil: back of shops - (?) (on Lechaio: Written in pencil: back of shops - (?) (on Lechaio

Deposit Written in pencil: back of shops - (?) (on Lechaion Road close to (?) (D_ _ _) Excavation date uncertain. 23 05 1902 or 1903 or 1905 ... 1902/05/23

[Corinth Basket] NB366 P678

Deposit 366 678 36678 EWcn

[Corinth Basket] NB399 B78 P136

Basket/zembil 399 78 136 West of cistern. Pass over floor area in south ... 1973/06/06

[Corinth Basket] NB399 B82 P140

Basket/zembil 399 82 140 West of cistern. Dismanteling of Wall 3 ... 1973/06/07