S 1999 15LIFE-SIZE MARBLE LIMB: ARM ?1999/05/25Roman, context 7th c. A.C. 
C 1947 790 1947/09/16  
L 373ROMAN LAMP1914/06/01  
S 919BEARDED MALE HEAD WITH CROSS ON FOREHEAD1908/05/30accoring to Corinth 9; probably 5th c. CE, according to Brown 2017 
C 1999 14TRANSPORT AMPHORA STAMPED HANDLE, MENDEAN?1999/05/205? 4th cent. B.C.?, Context mid. 5th cent. A.C. 
C 1999 17AFRICAN RED SLIP HAYES BOWL FORM 99 VARIANT 1061999/05/25Late Roman, Context first half 7th cent. AD 
NB 218, spread 45 (pp. 80 - 81) 28/4/1960  
NB 222, spread 25 (pp. 40 - 41) 28/4/1960