

stamp. Stamped with Λ Ο in circle. Fragment. Trench XLVII (NE corner od Odeion court), from strosis where so many amphora frgts found ... Trench XLVII (NE corner od Odeion court), from strosis where so many amphora


[Corinth Notebook] 100

Corinth : 1928 II ... de Waele, F.J ... Odeion dump. Lechaion Road. Excavation house Trial trench field of Souphoulas # 100 Microfilmed 1969 ... γνώσομαι τάν ολβίαν Κόρινθον, Ισθμίου πρόθυρον Ποτειδάνος, αγλαόκουρον ... 07/04/1929 - 16/06/1929 ... Odeion dump. Lechaion Road. Excavation house Trial trench field of Souphoulas


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 93, spread 30 (pp. 48 - 49)

48 49 Pg. 48, 1516, East steps; view from the SW of the steps at eastern side of the Odeion showing foundation of heavy poros blocks in middle foreground with holes Pg. 48, Photo, view from SW of the pier ... Odeion showing foundation of ... Pg. 48, Photo, view from SW of the pier of the Odeion and the wall which

[Corinth Object] SUR 110314: DRAPERY FOLDS

Three small drapery folds carved in large grained marble. Tops broken off two of them. Sides worked with rasp and claw chisel. This fragment might be a non-joining piece from S 1436, an Athena attributed ... attributed to the Odeion but found ... Found in the Odeion marble pile, July 2008.


[Corinth Object] MF 2563: YELLOW GLASS BOWL

Ribbed yellow glass bowl. Marvered ripple decoration. Yellow glass. Fragment. Preserving part of rim. Glass possibly once close to colorless, decoration discolored. Slumped Odeion ... 1st c. comparanda from Camulodunum and Rhodes, according to Corinth 12 ... Odeion

[Corinth Basket] NB107 P91

Deposit 107 91 From 14:R (p. 68), south of outer wall of Odeion, in burned layer 1.25 m. above floor of vaulted passage ... 1929/11/05 ... Odeion


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 93, spread 41 (pp. 70 - 71)

70 71 Pg. 70, A 887, a foot of marble seat at the Odeion Pg. 70, 2753, Lion's paw from proedria (?) Pg. 71, I 896 ... Pg. 70, A 887, a foot of marble seat at the Odeion

[Corinth Object] SUR 60053: LEG OF STATUETTE

Leg from statuette, ca upper thigh to just below knee. Could be male. marble Fragment. Broken all around. Found in the Odeion marble pile, July, 2008 ... Found in the Odeion marble pile, July, 2008.