[Corinth Basket] NB9

Deposit 9 NB9*829 P114 B078 Lot 1990-106 Dark brown fill east of wall 9 above northeast cornerof nave of church North of the Bema. NB 9c, spread 42 NB 9c, spread 43 http://corinth.ascsa.net/id/corinth/notebookpage/nb%209c%2c%20spread%2042?q=%22i%20285%22s=3 ... 1990/05/16 ... Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | Temple E, Temenos | Temple E,


[Corinth Basket] NB971 B18 P38

Basket/zembil 971 18 38 This is the fill of a pit east of RT 280R. Greyish brown soil, loosely-packed, with 60-70% inclusions of tile and pebbles. Fineware. Corinthian echinoid dish rim 1 bs 1; Cooking ... Roman, 2nd C ... 18 ... This is the fill of a pit east of RT 280R. Greyish brown soil, ... Candarli form 3? base 1

[Corinth Basket] NB81 B22 P207: Trench I, G VIII stereo

Basket/zembil 81 22 207 Trench I, G VIII G VIII 2.05- At 2.20 was found a perfect spindle whorl. A second also turned up there. [p. 208] G VIII At a depth of 2.20 there is at the S.E end of ... EH II? on inventoried pottery ... Ancient Corinth


[Corinth Basket] NB982 B90 P163

Basket/zembil 982 90 163 Lot 2007-001 Cistern fill.Light yellowish brown; fine grained soft with 10-15% inclusions (pebbles to cobbles); very poorly sorted. Clayey sand. This basket is a continuation of ... 1st half of 3rd c. B.C. or 2/2 2nd c. B.C. based on plate w/ offset rim (Agora 29, p. 154) ... Corinth


[Corinth Basket] NB984 B24 P44

Basket/zembil 984 24 44 Lot 2006-028 Clay surface north of castellum drain, south of W 215. Soil is clay white clay with 20% pebbles, 20% cobbles, compact. B 24 is the removal of the clay surface we have ... Late 4th c BC ... Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Panayia | Panaghia north

[Corinth Basket] NB230 B10011 P22: 2nd surface in NW part of Room #3

Basket/zembil 230 10011 22 NB230 B8 PG22 April 19 (p. 22-23) At level +85.514 we struck another floor surface which we excavated, replacing Basket #6 with Basket #8. [Find stamps.] A bronze earring was ... 1961/04/19 ... NB230 B10011 P22


[Corinth Basket] NB982 B21 P45

Basket/zembil 982 21 45 Fill, light brownish brown silty sand, 10% small cobbles and tiles. After cleaning out the grave cuts better, we continued excavating the fill from Basket 20 with the objective ... 12th century ... Corinth


[Corinth Basket] NB971 B7 P22

Basket/zembil 971 7 22 This is the fill from a pit cut by RT 280R. Dark pinkish brown soil with 10% inclusions of tile and pebbles with a few large cobbles. Coarseware. Palestinian bs 3; Coarseware. Neid ... late 6th - 7th ... NB971 B7 P22