

Lamp with thick stem, tapering from bottom to top, with biconical thickening at mid height; very shallow saucer with wide-flaring body, plain lip, pinched to form 3 small unbridged nozzles. Stump of stem ... Late Byzantine


[Corinth Object] C 1932 17: BYZANTINE MEASLES WARE BOWL

Bowl with convex body, outwardly thickened rim with squared lip. White slip on inner surface to over rim on exterior. Sgraffito floral motives decorated with red slip painted dots. Red slip painted strokes ... 12th century (Sanders 2003)


[Corinth Object] C 1932 18: DARK-ON-LIGHT SLIP-PAINTED BOWL

Bowl with very shallow body, upturned vertical rim with convex profile, tapered lip. White slip inside and over rim on exterior. In brown slip, on interior, broad band of double boxed triangles, in a ring ... Late Byzantine


[Corinth Object] C 1932 19: DARK-ON-LIGHT SLIP-PAINTED BOWL

Plate with convex wide flaring body. White slip on interior, drips on exterior. Interior painted in brown slip with spiral chain in broad band, with two bands below. Light yellow glaze in, green out. Moderately ... Late Byzantine


[Corinth Object] C 1932 22: POLYCHROME WHITE WARE BOWL

Bowl with biconical ring foot, fine resting surface, flat undersurface; convex body. On interior, painted pattern of 8-petal rosette on floor, round-tipped petals alternately black and pale blue-green, ... 78 Middle to Late Byzantine