[Corinth Coin] 2008 29: Roman Republican Coin

Nearly worn flat. Round countermark. Probably early Roman in date. Trace of type Effaced 5208 N of Nezi FT or RT of W26, Nezi Field, context 5208, .

[Corinth Coin] 2008 30: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 296 - AD 491)

AE surface destroyed; probable date Effaced Effaced N of Nezi 5208 1020.38/281.44/85.54 FT or RT of wall 26, Nezi Field, context 5208, ... AD 296 - AD 491

[Corinth Coin] 2008 36: Roman Imperial Copper/Bronze Coin (AD 300 - AD 500)

AE Slightly concave flan?, but almost cert. Roman Effaced Effaced N of Nezi 5208, Nezi Field, context 5208, ... AD 300 - AD 500