
[Corinth Monument] Forum

The Forum, lying at the heart of the Roman City was the commercial and administrative center of the city. Its orientation conforms to the surviving Classical and Hellenistic buildings, such as the South ...


[Corinth Object] I 2142: MARBLE DEDICATION: LATIN

Tall rectangular blocks, top roughly picked, remaining surface smoothly finished. inscribed. Inscribed on one face, Latin, 10 ll., letter H: 1: H00.072 to 6-10: H00.033:A.ARRI[AEM.PROC[AVGVRI.PRAE[AED.II.VIR.SACE[NEPTVNIAVG.[TIBEREON.AVGV[CAESAREON.ET.A[ISTHMION.ET.CAES[HIEROMNEMO[ ... 2nd quarter 1st AC (Claudian)