
[Corinth Monument] Asklepieion

The sanctuary of Asklepios is located in what was probably considered a healthy location on the north side of the city close to a supply of fresh spring water. It incorporated hospital facilities. The ...


[Corinth Object] V 133: VOTIVE EAR

Handmade ear, flat in back though unfinished clay surface. Wide groove and ridges to indicate forms of ear. Fine reddish yellow clay, with rare spherical, subrounded, medium brown inclusions Complete ...

[Corinth Object] V 208: VOTIVE EYE

Handmade plaque with eye attached to it. Eye is enclosed by raised area incised to indicate lashes all around. Incised line curving below eye on plaque. White slip. Fine pink clay, with frequent, large, ...


[Corinth Object] S 1492: MARBLE FINGER

Marble finger with flat, finished base before juncture with hand would be, not broken off of hand. Finger does not stay upright when placed on flat end. Anatomy finely modeled, finger bent at first knuckle, ... 1931/05/22