bw 1519West paraskenion threshold1905-04-10 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 1520West Paraskenion, East threshold1905-04-10 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 1521Drain North of threshold, East of Paraskenion wall1905-04-10 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 1700Byzantine house1/1928  
bw 1701Byzantine house1/1928  
bw 1711Peirene facade with photo. dark room1905-03-28 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 1746Second chamber East of Peirene, Northeast corner1905-03-28 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 1750Medieval building, third chamber, showing columns and arches1905-03-28 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 2355Peirene1929  
bw 2356Peirene1929  
bw 2406Byzantine screen built into wall of Byzantine Museum1929  
bw 2408Byzantine ornamental carving slab in wall of Byzantine Musem1929  
bw 3788Runneled stone over which water cascaded1933  
bw 3789Wall with dressing and revetment of various periods1933  
bw 3887Reservoir 4, South end1931  
bw 3888Reservoir 4, South end1931  
bw 3889Reservoir 1, South end1931  
bw 3890In Eastern tunnel1905-04-14 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 3891East apse, construction under central niche1905-04-14 00:00:00+02:02:04  
bw 3892Facade1931