
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 98, spread 70 (p. 130)

130 Pg. 130, Grave 1934-18. Section of Trench S of good tile wall, MF 3990, iron button? ... Corinth:Notebook:98


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 98, spread 71 (p. 132)

132 [no page number], L 2147, Type XXVIII [no page number], L 2148, Type XXVIII ... Corinth:Notebook:98


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 98, spread 73 (p. 136)

136 [no page number], L 2149, fragment of lamp red polished ware, well made Type II 6th c.B.C ... Corinth:Notebook:98


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 98, spread 77 (p. 144)

144 [no page number], MF 4766, earing ... Corinth:Notebook:98


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 98, spread 84 (p. 158)

158 [no page number], Lot 1934 2, fragment of animal relief ... Corinth:Notebook:98


[Corinth Monument] Kraneion Basilica

The Kraneion Basilica resembles the Lechaion Basilica but at a much smaller scale. It lacks an atrium but does have a baptistery on its north side. It is a cemetery church with ample evidence of vaulted ...