
[Corinth Object] KT 13055: ARM OF JOINTED DOLL

Bent arm for a jointed doll. Suspension hole at shoulder. Hand mitten-shaped and cupped. No trace of object in hand. Undecorated. Fine, very pale brown clay with rare small red inclusions and rare fine ... Late 5th-4th century B.C. (based on deposit; Stillwell and Benson 1984, Corinth 15.3, p. 211)


[Corinth Object] KT 13088: TERRACOTTA LEG OF DOLL

Leg of doll, narrowing slightly at top and ankle. Foot leaf-shaped with pointed heel bent downward and pointed toe bent upward. Possible trace of mould join on bottom of foot. Undecorated. Very fine reddish ... Late 5th-4th century B.C. (based on deposit, Stillwell and Benson 1984, Corinth 15.3, p. 211)


[Corinth Object] KL 157: MINIATURE LAMP

Miniature lamp with flat base only barely distinguished from walls, convex walls, and tapered lip with wide opening. Nipple on interior. Rounded nozzle slighty mishapen underneath. Loop handle projects ... 3rd quarter of the 4th century B.C. (Stillwell 1952, Corinth 15.2, p. 267)