
[Corinth Notebook] 555

Corinth Excavations, Excavation of Tseliolophos 1931 ... Shear, J.P ... Excavation of Tseliolophos, Field Notes Microfilmed 1992 ... 14/03/1931 - 24/04/1931

[Corinth Coin] 1931 4: Coin

Manuel I. Record generated from NB catalogue.

[Corinth Coin] 1931 5: Illegible coin

Illegible. Record generated from NB catalogue.

[Corinth Coin] 1931 6: Roman Imperial Coin of Arcadius

Arcadius ... Arcadius. Record generated from NB catalogue.


[Corinth Object] T 3332: GOLD BRACTEATE

Dove, like coin type of Sicyon. Jennifer Warren (4/99) identifie a bow above the tail and suggests this is taken from the bronze: Warren 1983, pl. 8, 6h. Gold Complete or intact ... 1931/03/17